Here are a few tips to prevent from getting Safires if your a member: Stop at score 4,000 on bubble bug but don't click the door, just wait! Don't try to get high scores because it DOES NOT work the higher the score the better the gem, like it should! PLEASE DON'T BUY GEMS WITH ECOINS! Just get low scores in games because it's better to get the lowest score and get a safire knowing you didn't try then getting a high score and getting a safire when you tried your hardest!Yes as a matter of fact they're arn't any codes on Fantage, because the people are smart enough to know that people like us will post it on the internet. Yes they do give out gems randomly. No we sadly can't stop it. If you know any tricks to getting good gems please leave a comment.
I hoped you enjoyed!
I hoped you enjoyed!
omfg i know! it pisses me off like all i get are dumbass saphires! dude i have 87 saphires and ONE moonstone. ONE!!!